Newline has a range of Plastic custom printed baggage tags or luggage tags which are plastic cards with personal information of the holder. These are used by frequent travelers and help in easy identification of luggage on the baggage carousel. Often you will see a Black suitcase of a popular brand with multiple passengers reaching out for it and abundant confusion. By using a baggage/luggage tag the pricess of identification is made instant, and the change of loss is minimised greatly. Also in the case of misplaced bags since it contains traveler personal information on it the process of baggage identification and recovery are made fast and accurate. These are available in various thickness, size and color. In addition organisations like hotels and airlines use these as brandding opportunities to add to the image of the badge holder.
Individual name PERSONALIZATION adds a wow factor. In addition a premium hotel bag tags adds to the prestige of the holder of the bag and serves as status symbol. Bag tags can be customised and personalised for each person for events / seminars / weddings and add serve as a useful momento of the event.